Thursday 10 December 2015

Kia ora from NZ again

Kia ora everyone,

We have just returned home from camp and would like to thank you all for the letters we have received. We only have a few days left before school ends for the year and then we have 7 weeks of Summer holidays. 

What is Christmas like in NZ?
We have Christmas trees and a few houses in our city like to go crazy with lights on their houses but as it is Summer time it does not get dark until around 9pm. A typical Kiwi Christmas is likely to be spent with family perhaps at the beach or at friends and families homes. Traditional Kiwi Christmas foods are BBQ meat, Pavlova, Seafood (Paua, Crayfish, Fish, Kina), Hangi. The main things Kiwi's like doing during this time is camping, hanging at the beach and relaxing with our family and friends after a long year of work. Most people have two weeks off during this break but teachers and their students are lucky to get 7. 

Here are a few pictures from our camp in Omaio Bay which is in the North Island of NZ about 2 and a 1/4 hours from Gisborne.

Friday 27 November 2015

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Our schools!

How many classrooms are there in your school? 
At Anne Frank, there are 12 classrooms.
At Thurgood, how many pupils are there? 
There are one hundred and eighty six pupils in our school.

Monday 16 November 2015

THANK YOU!!! This is Léonie.

Don't worry, we are all fine in Sauzé ! We are angry, shocked and sad for the victims in Paris. :-(
Emeline chose this picture for you.

Saturday 14 November 2015

Kia ora and arohanui from New Zealand

Morena koutou (Good morning everyone),
We are all thinking about you and hope that all of your friends and family are safe. 

New Zealanders have been following the news and send lots of aroha (love) to everyone in France. There are many French families who live in our little city of 45,000 people and we don't know if you have seen on the news but our Sky Tower in Auckland was lit up in red, white and blue just like the other major monuments around the world to show you all that we are thinking of you. We have a beautiful French 
restaurant here called 'The Marina' and I am sure over the last day it has been a meeting point for our french families so that they can all support each other too.
It is Sunday here so tomorrow I will get my class to write you all messages as they will be worried about you all too. If you have not received a letter from your buddy yet please don't worry as they will be on their way soon. We have been busy doing our end of year assessments so things have been a little bit hectic but events that you are all experiencing definitely put things into perspective. We hope you all remain safe and just wanted to say we are thinking of you.

Lots of love
Mrs Devery and Room 22 in Gisborne, New Zealand

Thursday 5 November 2015

Hello, this is Guilhem!!!

How are you? Thanks for the letters, what language do you speak at home, English or Maori?

Bye bye and see u soon!
Guilhem and his class

Monday 2 November 2015

Hello this is Bellando !

Thank you for the two links.We watched the videos it was great!! Maori is different from English!

We didn't understand the lyrics.

Can you send the translation please?

I have another question: what season is it in New Zealand?

We are in autumn.

Est ce que ça va bien ? 

Est ce que c'est facile ou difficile de jouer avec les bâtons ? 

Nous on joue avec des gobelets !

Voici une photo prise pendant la fête de notre collège en juin 2015. Nous avons fait une cup song !

Au revoir et nous attendons vos lettres !!!



PS: Bravo pour la coupe du monde de rugby,  êtes-vous fiers ?

"E Papa Waiari": a Maori song played with sticks (Thank you for sending the link, Mrs Devery)

To see the translation of the song and know about its origin. Click here!

Saturday 31 October 2015

Can we ask you a favour?

Hello epals !

Our music teacher would like to study a traditional Maori song!

What song would you recommend? What are the lyrics about?

Mrs Devery, could you please post a video of it from You Tube?

Thank you very much.

Si vous avez besoin d'un document culturel au sujet de la France ou de notre région, n'hésitez pas à nous le demander ! 

Mrs Prou

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Hello epals, this is where we live!

Here is the school gate! Why not turn to the left and have a walk into town? Just click the arrows on the road to move along...

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Bird's eye view of Sauzé-Vaussais

A bird's eye view picture of Sauzé-Vaussais
Can you see our school?